[Muz] Marvin Sapp - Never Would Have Made It 본문
< Marvin Sapp - Never Would Have Made It >
Never would have made it, never could have
made it, without you
I would have lost it all, but now I see how you were
there for me
할 수 없었을 거예요. 절대 해내지 못했을 거예요. 당신이 없었더라면.
모두 잃을 뻔 했었지만, 이젠 당신이 내 곁에 있어줬음을 알아요.
And I can say
Never would have made it,
Never could have
made it,
Without you
말할 수 있어요
절대 할 수 없었을 거예요,
절대 해내지 못했을 거예요.
당신이 없었더라면.
I would have lost it all,
But I now how I see how you were there for me
and I can say
I'm stronger, I'm wiser,
I'm better,
much better,
모든 것을 잃을 뻔 했었죠.
하지만 이젠 알아요. 당신이 날 위해 내 곁에 있어줬음을.
말할 수 있어요.
난 강해졌어요, 현명해졌고, 나아졌어요.
훨씬 더 나아졌어요.
When I look back over all
you brought me thru.
I can see that you were the one that I held on to
당신과 함께 겪어왔던 일들을 돌이켜보면,
날 잡아줬던 사람이 바로 당신이였음을 알 수 있어요.
And I never Never would have made it
I never could have made it
Never could have made it without you
절대 할 수 없었을 거예요.
오, 절대 해내지 못했을 거예요.
절대, 해내지 못했을 거예요. 당신이 없었더라면.
Oh I would have lost it all, oh but now
I see how you were there for me
오, 모든 걸 잃을 뻔 했었죠. 오 하지만 이젠 알아요. 당신이 내
곁에 있어줬음을.
I never Never would have made it
No, I never Never could have made it without you
I would have lost my
mind a long time ago, if it had not been for you.
나 절대, 절대 할 수 없었을
나 절대, 절대 해내지 못했을 거예요. 당신이 없었더라면.
오래전 미쳐버렸을 지도 몰라요, 당신이 내 곁에 없었더라면.
I am stronger
I am wiser
Now I
am better
So much better
난 강해졌어요
이젠, 나아졌어요.
훨씬 더 나아졌어요.
I made it thru my storm and my test
because you were there to carry me thru my mess
난 내 고난과 시련을 헤쳐나왔어요. 그
속에서 날 이끌어줬던 그대 덕분이죠.
I am stronger
I am wiser
I am
Anybody better
난 강해졌어요.
더 나아졌어요.
I can stand here and tell
you, I made it. Anybody out there that you made it
나 이곳에 서서, 당신에게 말할
수 있어요. 해냈다고. 당신이 있어줬기에 가능했다고.
I am stronger
I am wiser
Now I
am better
So much better
난 강해졌어요
이젠, 나아졌어요.
훨씬 더 나아졌어요.
I made it, I made it, I
made it, I made it, I made it, I made it, I made it, I made it
난 해냈어요. 난 해냈어요. 해냈어요.
And I never would have made it
could have made it
I would have lost my mind, I would have gave up, but you
were right there, you were right there
난 절대 할 수 없었을 거예요.
절대 해낼 수 없었을 거예요.
미쳐버릴 뻔 했었죠, 포기하려 했었죠, 그러나 당신이 있어줬기에, 바로 그 곳에 있어줬기에.
I never
Never would have made it
Oh I never
I never could have made it without you.
나 절대
절대 할 수 없었을 거예요.
오 나 절대
나 절대 당신없인 해내지 못했을 거예요.
Someone need to testify next to them and
tell them I am stronger, I am wiser, I am better, much better. When I look back
over what he brought me thru. I realize that I made it because I had you to hold
on to, now I am stronger, now I am wiser, I am better, so much better. I made
it. Is there anybody in this house other than me that can declare that you made
it. Tell your neighbor, never would have made it. Never would have made it.
Never could have made it. Never could have made it without you. Never would have
made it. Never would have made it. Never could have made it. Never could have
made it without you
누군가 시험해보려 한다면, 말해주세요. 난 강해졌다고, 현명해졌고, 나아졌다고, 훨씬 더
나아졌다고. 당신과 함께 지나온 순간들을 되돌아 보면, 당신이 날 잡아줬기에 가능했음을 깨닫게 되죠. 이젠 난 강해졌어요. 이젠 난 현명해졌죠.
난 나아졌어요, 훨씬 더 나아졌어요. 난 해냈죠. 이 곳에 나 외의 다른 사람이 있다면 나 크게 외칠 수 있어요. 당신이 해냈다고. 이웃에게
말해요. 할 수 없었을 것을, 절대 해내지 못했을 것을. 절대 할 수 없었을 거라고 절대 해내지 못했을 거라고, 당신이 없었더라면 절대. 절대
할 수 없었어요. 절대 할 수 없었어요. 절대 해낼 수 없었어요. 절대 해낼 수 없었죠. 당신이, 당신이 없었더라면.
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