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151216 본문
I prefer the weird stuff.
저는 이상한 것들을 좋아해요
There is a bush next to the tree.
나무 옆쪽에 수풀이 있어요
Our first Christmas here, we were really upset
이곳에서 첫 크리스마스를 보냈을때 저희는 정말 속상했어요
I would never shave my eyebrows
제 눈썹을 미는일은 없을거예요
I was asleep so I didn't get up to make breakfast
잠자느라 아침을 만들기위해 일어나지 못했어요
My eyeball became red because I was so tired
너무 피곤해서 눈이 충혈됐어요
I'm going to grow out my breard today
저는 오늘 수염이 자라게 놔둘거예요
I have my very own treasure box
전 저만의 보물상자를 가지고 있어요