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[FLEX] DataGrid RowLine Custom 설정 본문
데이터 그리드의 horizontalGridLineColor, horizontalGridLines를 설정하면 row마다 줄이 보인다
그런데 전체 row 라인이 보여주는 기능이 되어 있어
부분 라인 보여주는 기능을 한번 건드려봤다
아래 소스(mxml)는 라이브독에 Example 소스를 약~간! 수정한 소스이다
기존 소스에서 수정한 부분은 다른 색으로 구분하였다
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" xmlns:local="*"> <mx:XMLList id="employees"> <employee line="false"> <name>Christina Coenraets</name> <phone>555-219-2270</phone> <email></email> <active>true</active> </employee> <employee line="false"> <name>Joanne Wall</name> <phone>555-219-2012</phone> <email></email> <active>true</active> </employee> <employee line="true"> <name>Maurice Smith</name> <phone>555-219-2012</phone> <email></email> <active>false</active> </employee> <employee line="false"> <name>Mary Jones</name> <phone>555-219-2000</phone> <email></email> <active>true</active> </employee> </mx:XMLList> <mx:Panel title="DataGrid Control Example" height="100%" width="100%" paddingTop="10" paddingLeft="10" paddingRight="10"> <mx:Label width="100%" color="blue" text="Select a row in the DataGrid control. "/> <local:uDataGrid id="dg" width="100%" height="100%" rowCount="5" dataProvider="{employees}" horizontalGridLineColor="#000000" horizontalGridLines="true"> <local:columns> <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="name" headerText="Name"/> <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="phone" headerText="Phone"/> <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="email" headerText="Email"/> </local:columns> </local:uDataGrid> <mx:Form width="100%" height="100%"> <mx:FormItem label="Name"> <mx:Label text="{}"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Email"> <mx:Label text="{}"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Phone"> <mx:Label text="{}"/> </mx:FormItem> </mx:Form> </mx:Panel> </mx:Application> |
다음은 기존 데이터 그리드를 상속받아서 Row Line 추가되는 부분을 설정된 값에 따라 추가여부를 설정 하였다
package { import mx.controls.DataGrid; import mx.controls.listClasses.ListBaseContentHolder; public class uDataGrid extends DataGrid { public function uDataGrid() { super(); } //drawLinesAndColumnGraphics import flash.display.Sprite; import mx.core.UIComponent; import mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn; override protected function drawLinesAndColumnGraphics(contentHolder:ListBaseContentHolder, visibleColumns:Array, separators:Object):void { //super.drawLinesAndColumnGraphics(contentHolder, visibleColumns, separators); var lines:Sprite = Sprite(contentHolder.getChildByName("lines")); if (!lines) { lines = new UIComponent(); = "lines"; lines.cacheAsBitmap = true; lines.mouseEnabled = false; contentHolder.addChild(lines); } contentHolder.setChildIndex(lines, contentHolder.numChildren - 1); var rowInfo:Array = contentHolder.rowInfo;; var linesBody:Sprite = Sprite(lines.getChildByName("body")); if (!linesBody) { linesBody = new UIComponent(); = "body"; linesBody.mouseEnabled = false; lines.addChild(linesBody); }; while (linesBody.numChildren) { linesBody.removeChildAt(0); } var tmpHeight:Number = unscaledHeight - 1; // FIXME: can remove? var lineCol:uint; var i:int; var len:uint = visibleColumns ? visibleColumns.length : 0; var rowlen:uint = contentHolder.listItems.length // draw horizontalGridlines if needed. lineCol = getStyle("horizontalGridLineColor"); if (getStyle("horizontalGridLines")) { for (i = 0; i < rowlen; i++) { var yy:Number = rowInfo[i].y + rowInfo[i].height; // listItems.length = RowCount // 데이터가 rowCount 보다 적을 경우 데이터가 없기때문에 에러가 난다 if (contentHolder.listItems[i].length > 0) { // listItems[i][0].data 에는 XML 데이터가 들어 있다 if (contentHolder.listItems[i][0].data.@line=="true") { // 라인 추가 if (yy < contentHolder.height) drawHorizontalSeparator(linesBody, i, lineCol, yy); } } } } /* if ( drawHorizontalSeparator(linesBody, i++, 0, rowInfo[0].y, true); if (separators.bottom && rowlen > 0) drawHorizontalSeparator(linesBody, i++, 0, rowInfo[rowlen - 1].y + rowInfo[rowlen - 1].height, true); var vLines:Boolean = getStyle("verticalGridLines"); lineCol = getStyle("verticalGridLineColor"); if (len) { var colBGs:Sprite = Sprite(contentHolder.getChildByName("colBGs")); // traverse the columns, set the sizes, draw the column backgrounds var lastChild:int = -1; var xx:Number = 0; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { // only draw the vertical separator for the ones in the middle (not beginning and not end) if (vLines && i < (len - 1)) drawVerticalSeparator(linesBody, i, lineCol, xx + visibleColumns[i].width); var col:DataGridColumn = visibleColumns[i]; var bgCol:Object; if (enabled) bgCol = col.getStyle("backgroundColor"); else bgCol = col.getStyle("backgroundDisabledColor"); if (bgCol !== null && !isNaN(Number(bgCol))) { if (!colBGs) { colBGs = new FlexSprite(); colBGs.mouseEnabled = false; = "colBGs"; contentHolder.addChildAt(colBGs, contentHolder.getChildIndex(contentHolder.getChildByName("rowBGs")) + 1); } drawColumnBackground(colBGs, i, Number(bgCol), col); lastChild = i; } else if (colBGs) { var background:Shape = Shape(colBGs.getChildByName(i.toString())); if (background) { var g:Graphics =; g.clear(); colBGs.removeChild(background); } } xx += visibleColumns[i].width; } if (colBGs && colBGs.numChildren) { while (colBGs.numChildren) { var bg:DisplayObject = colBGs.getChildAt(colBGs.numChildren - 1); if (parseInt( > lastChild) colBGs.removeChild(bg); else break; } } } if (separators.right && visibleColumns && visibleColumns.length) { if (contentHolder.listItems.length && contentHolder.listItems[0].length) drawVerticalSeparator(linesBody, i++, 0, contentHolder.listItems[0][len - 1].x + visibleColumns[len - 1].width, true); else { xx = 0; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { xx += visibleColumns[i].width; } drawVerticalSeparator(linesBody, i++, 0, xx, true); } } if (separators.left) drawVerticalSeparator(linesBody, i++, 0, 0, true); */ } import mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject; import flash.display.DisplayObject; import mx.styles.ISimpleStyleClient; private var lockedColumnWidth:Number = 0; private var displayWidth:Number; private function drawHorizontalSeparator(s:Sprite, rowIndex:int, color:uint, y:Number, useLockedSeparator:Boolean = false):void { var hSepSkinName:String = "hSeparator" + rowIndex; var hLockedSepSkinName:String = "hLockedSeparator" + rowIndex; var createThisSkinName:String = useLockedSeparator ? hLockedSepSkinName : hSepSkinName; var createThisStyleName:String = useLockedSeparator ? "horizontalLockedSeparatorSkin" : "horizontalSeparatorSkin"; var sepSkin:IFlexDisplayObject; var lockedSepSkin:IFlexDisplayObject; var deleteThisSkin:IFlexDisplayObject; var createThisSkin:IFlexDisplayObject; // Look for separator by name sepSkin = IFlexDisplayObject(s.getChildByName(hSepSkinName)); lockedSepSkin = IFlexDisplayObject(s.getChildByName(hLockedSepSkinName)); createThisSkin = useLockedSeparator ? lockedSepSkin : sepSkin; deleteThisSkin = useLockedSeparator ? sepSkin : lockedSepSkin; if (deleteThisSkin) { s.removeChild(DisplayObject(deleteThisSkin)); //delete deleteThisSkin; } if (!createThisSkin) { var sepSkinClass:Class = Class(getStyle(createThisStyleName)); if (sepSkinClass) { createThisSkin = IFlexDisplayObject(new sepSkinClass()); = createThisSkinName; var styleableSkin:ISimpleStyleClient = createThisSkin as ISimpleStyleClient; if (styleableSkin) styleableSkin.styleName = this; s.addChild(DisplayObject(createThisSkin)); } } if (createThisSkin) { var mHeight:Number = !isNaN(createThisSkin.measuredHeight) ? createThisSkin.measuredHeight : 1; createThisSkin.setActualSize(displayWidth - lockedColumnWidth, mHeight); createThisSkin.move(0, y); } else // If we still don't have a sepSkin, then we have no skin style defined. Use the default function instead { drawHorizontalLine(s, rowIndex, color, y); } } } } |
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